Dr. Claus Weber

Lawyer / Graduate in business economics

Certified Specialist Lawyer in Labour Law

Certified executor of will (AGT)


E-Mail: c.weber@rebleklose.de
Tel: 0049 - (0)621 - 41977 - 0
Fax: 0049 - (0)621 - 41977 - 99
Assistant: Sandra Franke
  0049 - (0)621 - 41977 - 21
Adress: Postfach 12 15 19 / 68066 Mannheim, Germany
  Konrad-Zuse-Ring 32 / 68163 Mannheim, Germany

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Born in 1967, studied Business Economics at the Academy of Cooperative Education in Mannheim, supported by the company ABB Kabel und Draht GmbH; then studied Law at Heidelberg University.

Received a doctorate from Rostock University (the thesis was on labour law).
He has been a specialist lawyer for labour law since 2003.

The main focus of his professional activities is on labor law as well as trademark and patent law (intellectual property law). Further more he is working in different fields of company and commercial law as well as in the field of preparation of testamentary dispositions (wills, inheritance contracts) and in the field of precautionary powers of attorney and living wills.

He is also a member of the supervisory or advisory board of a number of companies.
He has been a partner in our law firm since 1998.

Dr. Weber became also a judge at the Dienstgerichtshof für Richter at the regional appeal court in Stuttgart.
Empfohlen von Fachanwalt

Konrad-Zuse-Ring 32 | 68163 Mannheim

Mail: inforae@rebleklose.de

Tel.: +49 (0)621 - 41977 - 0

Fax.: +49 (0)621 - 41977 - 99